TMJ Treatment

What is TMJ?

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) is a disorder of the temporomandibular joints, jaw, muscles, ligaments, and nerves associated with chronic facial pain. It is also called temporomandibular dysfunctions or disorders (TMD). Many episodes of TMD are temporary and go away on their own with noninvasive treatments. However, TMD can significantly impact one’s life by affecting one’s ability to chew, yawn, or speak easily or properly.

This condition significantly affects a person’s quality of life. Untreated TMJ can cause debilitating or excruciating pain that reduces the ability to successfully eat, sleep, and even function well in everyday activities. Fortunately, many treatment options are available, especially with the assistance of a TMJ dentist.

What Are the Symptoms of TMJ?

TMJ disorder symptoms vary widely. People may experience jaw, facial, and shoulder or neck pain. The pain a person feels from TMD can range from mild to severe, with some people experiencing chronic pain.

Common symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction include:

  • Jaw joint pain in one or both temporomandibular joints
  • Aches or pain in and around the ears
  • Discomfort or pain while chewing or difficulty chewing
  • Jaw stiffness or tenderness
  • Toothaches
  • Pain that spreads to the face and neck
  • Facial swelling
  • Shoulder or neck pain
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), hearing loss, or dizziness
  • Limited movement or locking of the temporomandibular joint, making it difficult to open or close your mouth
  • Painful clicking, grating, or popping in your jaw joint when you open or close your mouth
  • Changes in how your upper and lower teeth align or fit together
  • Blurred vision

Patients may experience all of these symptoms, or just a few. In addition, TMJ disorders can cause a clicking sound, a grating sensation, or popping in the jaw joint when opening and closing the mouth or chewing, which causes pain and limits jaw movement.

Sounds without pain in the temporomandibular joints are normal, happen often, and do not need treatment.

Treatment Options for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

There are many effective TMJ treatment options available, and you don’t have to live with the pain and discomfort of this condition. Treatment methods range from conservative methods to surgery, if necessary.

TMJ Treatments at Home

TMJ can be effectively treated at home. Ice packs can reduce swelling and irritation of the impacted area, and heat packs can reduce inflammation. Ibuprofen or Aleve are excellent over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications that effectively treat TMJ. Your TMJ dentist may prescribe prescription pain relievers if OTC pain medications don’t manage your pain effectively.

They may also have you take anti-inflammatories or suggest sleep aids if your symptoms worsen at night. Some dentists offer muscle relaxers to help the TMJ relax, which may alleviate symptoms.

Medical Options for TMJ Treatment

When home remedies aren’t effectively treating your temporomandibular joint disorder, several medical options can help you find relief. Your TMJ dentist can prescribe an oral appliance like a bite guard that will be fitted to you and help prevent teeth grinding, which eases jaw tension.

Your TMJ dentist can inject medications, such as cortisone or steroids, into the joint to alleviate your pain. Your dentist may also use a needle to irrigate your jaw and remove any debris or other items, such as a bone spur or fragment, that might be causing your pain, which can offer almost immediate pain relief. In the past, Botox has also been used to relieve pain by helping to relax jaw muscles; however, Botox carries risks and isn’t an FDA-approved treatment option for TMJ.

In extreme cases when nothing else is bringing you relief, dental surgery or jaw surgery may be necessary. Surgical options for temporomandibular joint disorder are always a last resort, and your TMJ specialist will discuss all of your treatment options and which ones will be best for you.

Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Manage TMJ Symptoms

Lifestyle changes can relieve your TMJ pain and help you manage other temporomandibular joint disorder symptoms. Your TMJ specialist will complete a thorough evaluation and make recommendations based on your individual needs.

Some lifestyle changes your TMJ specialist might recommend include:

  • Eating softer foods and watch out for sticky or chewy foods that require a lot of chewing or grinding your teeth.
  • Massage techniques for the facial area can be done at home.
  • See a therapist or counselor to learn stress management techniques and reduce or eliminate stress-related behaviors like teeth grinding or jaw clenching that worsen TMJ pain.
  • Implementing mindfulness or relaxation techniques to reduce stress and relax neck and jaw muscles.
  • Exercise and other physical
  • Physical therapy helps stretch and strengthen jaw muscles and effectively manage TMJ symptoms.

When Should I Consult a TMJ Dentist?

Suppose you’re experiencing jaw pain or other common TMJ symptoms or have any other concerns you might have temporomandibular joint disorder. In that case, scheduling a consultation with a TMJ dentist or specialist is a good idea. With all the treatment options available today, there is no reason to live in pain and discomfort.

How Can I Find a TMJ Dentist?

Your dental provider or primary care physician can refer you to a TMJ dentist or specialist. You can also ask family and friends if they have any recommendations. The American Academy of Orofacial Pain, a professional organization of dentists and other healthcare professionals, can provide information on the best TMJ dentists and TMJ specialists near you.

What Should I Expect at My First Appointment with a TMJ Dentist?

Your first appointment with a TMJ dentist will begin with a review of your medical and dental history, followed by questions about your symptoms, their level of intensity, and their longevity. The TMJ dentist will perform a comprehensive evaluation and conduct several tests to confirm a diagnosis of temporomandibular joint disorder and evaluate your TMJ.

The TMJ dentist will conduct a range of motion test for your jaw and listen to and feel it as it opens and closes. They will also check all the head and neck muscles, ligaments, and tendons. The TMJ specialist may conduct further tests like an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan. Sometimes, a TMJ arthroscopy test may also be used. The TMJ dentist’s evaluation and any tests performed help determine the extent of the illness and how much damage the joint has suffered.

Do I Need to Do Anything Before My First Visit with a TMJ Dentist?

Since the TMJ dentist will ask you questions about your TMJ so they can determine the severity of your temporomandibular joint disorder, it can be helpful if you have answers ready ahead of time. Please write down the information or type it into a notes app on your cell phone. It would help if you listed the following:

  • how long you’ve been experiencing symptoms
  • the types of symptoms you experience, their intensity, and their frequency
  • the activities that typically cause you the most pain
  • any prescription and over-the-counter medications or herbal supplements you take regularly
  • if you’ve been under any additional stress lately

Experienced, Caring TMJ Dentists at Sleep Better Marysville Can Help You with TMJ Pain

If you want to learn more about treating your jaw pain, have questions about your TMJ, or have a temporomandibular joint disorder, please call Mark Levy, DDS with Sleep Better Marysville, at (614) 777-7350 for a TMD consultation and complete evaluation. Our experienced staff can give you all the information you need to make the best decision for your treatment needs.

NIH Doubles Funding for TMJ Research

In 2020, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine conducted a comprehensive study of temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJ or TMD. This disorder causes pain in the face and jaw that can range from mild discomfort to disabling, with severe symptoms being more common in women. As a result of the TMJ study, the NIH has recently doubled the annual funding for TMJ research, a little-understood condition that affects as many as 33 million Americans.

Lack of Research Contributes to Ineffective Treatment Options for Temporomandibular Joint Disease

The National Institute of Health’s comprehensive TMJ study and an investigation by KFF Health News show that temporomandibular joint disorder has been under-researched. This lack of research has contributed to ineffective treatment options. Multiple experts believe one reason TMJ treatment options aren’t better is that temporomandibular joint disorders primarily affect women, and historically, their complaints were dismissed as trivial and straightforward; this meant researching TMJ wasn’t a priority.

NIH Recommends TMJ Patients Stay Away from Surgical Treatment Options

NIH’s comprehensive TMJ study has revealed a lack of proven TMJ treatments. Many standard treatment options for temporomandibular joint disorder are not backed by consistent results or compelling scientific evidence. The NIH warns TMJ patients that some standard treatments aren’t very effective or don’t work at all. Given the lack of proven, effective TMJ treatment options, the NIH recommends TMJ patients stay away from treatment options that will permanently change their teeth, bite, or jaw, such as surgery.

Comprehensive TMJ Study Will Bring Changes to the Future of TMJ Healthcare

The TMJ study conducted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine has made it clear that temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are not only dental problems but are complex, multifaceted problems that need a multidimensional approach to care. The committee has recommended that efforts be made to increase professional education and awareness so dental and medical students can become better-informed practitioners.

Expert TMJ Care from Compassionate and Experienced Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Specialists

Even though TMJ research has not yet provided a solution, people who have temporomandibular joint disorder still have options for treating their TMJ. Patients can treat their TMD by visiting with a trained, compassionate, experienced TMJ specialist, like those at Sleep Better Marysville, who can help with treatment options that align specifically with each patient’s needs and will take an approach that focuses on minimizing TMJ/TMD pain without surgery.

Multifaceted TMJ Care and Treatment from Skilled TMJ Specialists

The underlying cause of your temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) and the severity of your pain are two factors that are considered when determining the TMJ treatment that is right for you. Sleep Better Marysville offers a multifaceted approach to TMJ care and treatment and always recommends noninvasive options that should be tried first. Your TMJ specialist will complete a thorough evaluation and make recommendations based on your individual needs. Noninvasive treatment includes home remedies, medications, self-managed care, and lifestyle changes.

Some TMJ treatment options that might be recommended include:

  • over-the-counter or prescription pain medications
  • massage techniques for the facial area you can do at home
  • sedatives and muscle relaxers
  • physical therapy to help with stretching and strengthening jaw muscles
  • implementing mindfulness or relaxation techniques to reduce stress and relax neck and jaw muscles
  • using oral appliances like bite guards or mouthguards
  • eating softer foods
  • Watch out for sticky or chewy foods that require a lot of chewing or grinding your teeth.

Caring TMJ Specialists at Sleep Better Marysville Can Help You with TMJ/TMD Pain

If you want to learn more about treating your jaw pain, have questions about your TMJ, or have a temporomandibular joint disorder, please call Mark Levy, DDS with Sleep Better Marysville, at (614) 777-7350 for a consultation and complete evaluation. Our experienced staff can give you all the information you need to make the best decision for your treatment needs. Our compassionate TMJ specialists will help you create a TMJ treatment plan that aligns with your needs and wants.

Is Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) Genetic? What Does Science Tell Us?

What Is Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD)?

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) is a disorder of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ), jaw, muscles, and nerves associated with chronic facial pain. TMD can cause pain in your jaw joints and the muscles and ligaments controlling your jaw’s movement. Many episodes of temporomandibular dysfunctions or disorders (TMD), also called TMJ disorders, are temporary and go away on their own with noninvasive treatments. TMD can significantly impact your life by affecting your ability to chew, yawn, or babble.

Common Symptoms of TMJ Disorders

Symptoms of TMJ disorders or dysfunction can vary greatly. People with TMJ won’t all experience the same symptoms or degree of pain. The pain from TMD can be mild or severe, with some people experiencing chronic pain.

Common symptoms of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction include:

  • Aching pain in and around your ear
  • Blurred vision
  • Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Limited movement or locking of the temporomandibular joint, making it difficult to open or close your mouth
  • Pain or tenderness in the jaw joint and chewing muscles (the most common symptom)
  • Pain that spreads to the face and neck
  • Stiffness in your jaw
  • Swelling of the side of the face
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), hearing loss, or dizziness
  • Toothaches

Most Common Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders

While a diagnosed condition can be the cause of TMJ in some people, many people have TMJ without an apparent cause. The most common conditions that cause temporomandibular joint pain and dysfunction are:

  • Disc displacement: Disc displacement occurs when the articular disc that is attached to the jaw muscles becomes displaced and causes pain. This condition is believed to be the most common cause of temporomandibular joint disorders.
  • Injuries: Damage to the jaw bones, joints, and muscles can be caused by sports injuries, falls, car accidents, and even dental procedures.
  • Degenerative joint disease, also called osteoarthritis, or the body’s wear and tear on the TMJ area. This is most common in middle-aged or elderly adults.

Is Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder Genetic?

When someone experiences symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder without an obvious cause, it is believed that their TMJ is genetic. For many years, researchers, scientists, and other professionals have believed that specific forms of TMD are genetic. A controversial debate continues as to which cases of TMD and which aspects of the disorder are genetic.

While TMJ is believed to be genetic, an individual’s genetic makeup doesn’t guarantee they will have TMJ. Scientists now believe behavior and environment interact with a person’s genetic makeup. Today, many different types of healthcare providers across multiple specialties study temporomandibular joint disorders from several angles.

Risk Factors for TMJ Conditions Inherited through Genetics

In addition to exploring whether TMD is inherited or genetic, researchers have proven a genetic link exists between TMD and certain risk factors for TMD conditions. Some factors researchers are currently researching include:

Positioning of the Jaw and Teeth

TMJ disorders and symptoms occur because the bite in your jaw and teeth doesn’t come together correctly. The anatomy of the temporomandibular joint, surrounding muscles and ligaments, and jaw bones and teeth is believed to be in the genes from birth.

A complex set of genes must work together at the right time during pregnancy to ensure the correct structure of the head, mouth, and jaw. If an error occurs in how these genes are formed and expressed, one might be at risk for TMJ dysfunction. However, what happens in patients with TMJ on the molecular and cellular level and their exact genetic makeup has yet to be understood.

The position and shape of teeth are also inherited. People with teeth larger or smaller than usual, crooked teeth, or teeth out of the correct position are at high risk for TMJ dysfunction.


A new field of science, epigenetics, started in the 1990s. Epigenetics studies how environmental factors interact with someone’s genetic makeup. Some scientists believe the genes for specific medical conditions can be activated or inactivated based on what occurs in your external environment. This means it’s possible someone who has a genetic predisposition for temporomandibular joint disorder might never develop the condition, or something as simple as excess stress in their environment could trigger TMJ symptoms.

Related Conditions that Are Inherited

People who have TMD are more likely also to have one or more chronic conditions like headaches, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, anxiety, depression, arthritis, or even irritable bowel syndrome. Most of these conditions are more common in women and have a vital genetic component. It’s possible to develop one of these conditions and later experience symptoms of another condition. Some people experience a sudden onset of temporomandibular joint disorder symptoms with another chronic illness at the same time.

TMJ and Chronic Pain

The temporomandibular joint disorder is a chronic pain disorder, and researchers have discovered that many people who have TMJ also have one or more other chronic illnesses or chronic pain disorders like fibromyalgia, endometriosis, or chronic fatigue syndrome. If you have any of these conditions, you’ll likely develop a second one later. Scientists are still not sure why chronic pain disorders often coexist.

One standard theory for coexisting conditions is that one condition can be responsible for behavior that causes TMD. For example, someone who has anxiety might grind their teeth and clench their jaw, which tightens their jaw muscles and puts extra stress on their muscles and joints.

What Does the Future Hold for TMJ and Genetic Research?

As we gain a greater understanding of the genetic and environmental factors that lead to TMJ dysfunction, we are closer to more effective treatments. When healthcare professionals understand each person’s genetic makeup, they can predict who might be at risk for TMJ and provide appropriate treatment in the earlier stages. Each patient who has temporomandibular joint disorder will have a unique combination of behavioral or environmental elements, hormonal balance, and genetic makeup that can contribute to TMJ. Having the proper treatment for each patient can improve their quality of life.

A new theory researchers have been exploring is that chronic pain from TMJ or other conditions with no visible cause might start in the brain and the central nervous system. Researching and understanding the genetic and environmental factors that can contribute to temporomandibular joint disorders may also lead to a better understanding of other medical conditions.

TMJ Specialists at Sleep Better Marysville Can Help

If you think you have TMJ or are predisposed to developing it, Dr. Levy and the specialists at Sleep Better Marysville can help. We are committed to providing compassionate care for all patients and helping each one find the best treatment for their temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder.

Call Sleep Better Marysville at (614) 777-7350 to schedule an appointment and TMD evaluation today and get all your questions and concerns answered.

Adolescent TMD: Addressing a Disorder That Is Often Overlooked

Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) can affect anyone and isn’t limited to just adults. TMD and jaw pain are much more common in teenagers, particularly female teenagers. Adolescent TMD is often overlooked because teenagers and parents might easily dismiss a symptom like jaw pain on one side as a minor inconvenience that should go away in time.

However, if jaw pain in adolescents is left unchecked and untreated, the issue can escalate into TMD or another serious condition. When parents know how to recognize jaw pain and other common TMD symptoms early, they can ensure their adolescent child gets the help they need before the condition worsens.

What is TMD?

A temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a disorder of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ), jaw, muscles, and nerves associated with chronic facial pain. TMD causes pain in the jaw joints, muscles, and ligaments controlling your jaw’s movement. Temporomandibular dysfunctions or disorders, also known as TMJ disorders, can greatly influence your daily life by impacting your ability to chew, yawn, or speak.

What Does Adolescent TMD Look Like?

Teenagers who have adolescent TMD can experience excruciating pain from something as simple as chewing gum or food or yawning. Teens with temporomandibular joint disorders often have tinnitus, dizzy spells, or acute migraines. They may frequently complain about their jaw locking or a spanning pain that moves downward from their face, head, or ear. The intensity of TMJ pain an adolescent experiences varies; some adolescents with TMD can function during these episodes while others cannot.

Common Symptoms Teens with TMD Experience

TMJ disorder symptoms vary widely. Adolescents with TMD might experience jaw pain, facial pain, shoulder pain, or neck pain that can range from mild to severe pain, with some teens experiencing chronic pain. Common signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction in adolescents include:

  • Pain in the jaw joint and/or chewing muscles (the most common symptom)
  • Difficulty chewing, pain while chewing, or chewing that limits jaw movement
  • Stiffness in your jaw
  • Pain in one or both temporomandibular joints
  • Aching pain in and around your ear
  • Pain or tenderness of the jaw
  • Aching facial pain
  • Swelling of the side of the face
  • Toothaches
  • Pain that spreads to the face and/or neck
  • Shoulder or neck pain
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), hearing loss, or dizziness
  • Headaches and/or migraines
  • Blurred vision
  • Limited movement or locking of the temporomandibular joint, making it difficult to open or close the mouth
  • Painful clicking sounds, grating sensations, or popping in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth
  • Changes in how upper and lower teeth align or fit together

Understanding the Complexities of TMD in Teenagers

As a parent, it’s concerning when your child struggles with headaches or pain. Unfortunately, symptoms like headaches, jaw pain, or neck pain are often mistakenly attributed to hormonal changes or growing pains. It’s important to consider that TMD might be responsible, particularly if your teen is experiencing episodes of jaw locking or complaining of one-sided pain.

Adolescents with TMD can experience severe chronic pain that is far worse than the average toothache. Chronic jaw pain in teenagers that is left untreated can lead to problems eating or talking, difficulty concentrating in school, or an inability to take part in enjoyable activities.

Female Adolescents at Highest Risk for TMD Pain

Temporomandibular joint disorder has been found in both adolescent boys and adolescent girls, but it is more prevalent in girls. A recent study conducted in Oslo, Norway, has found that female adolescents are more likely to experience TMD pain than male adolescents. Facial pain and TMD pain were higher in females, with the rate and severity being higher the older the female adolescent was. Female adolescents also suffered from more severe pain.

Treating TMD in Adolescents

If you think your teenager is struggling with TMD, It’s essential to seek professional advice. Treatment plans for adolescents with TMD often differ from those for adults and take into consideration the teenager’s growth and development. The earlier TMJ in teens is identified and addressed, the better. Treatment plans for TMJ in teenagers often differ from those for adults, taking into account the teenager’s growth and development.

The underlying cause of your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder and the severity of the pain are two factors taken into consideration when determining the TMJ treatment that is right for your child. Noninvasive options should be tried first. Treatment alternatives encompass home treatments, medication, self-care, and other non-invasive therapies. By adopting the appropriate strategy, you can effectively manage your adolescent’s TMD, enabling them to lead a normal, pain-free life.

The Best Approach to Jaw Pain Treatment for Teens with TMD

There are several treatment options for adolescents with TMD, and the best options for your child depend on the individual and the severity of the problem.

A TMD specialist will recommend various ways to counter the issue and help develop an evolving treatment plan to adopt preventive techniques as your child ages. Some of these treatment options include:

  • Acupuncture
  • Biofeedback
  • Dental appliances
  • Muscle Relaxers
  • Physical therapy
  • Prescription medication
  • Relaxation training
  • Stretching
  • Surgery

Things That Can Worsen Adolescent TMD

When you’re aware of the habits that can worsen adolescent TMD, you can help your teenager avoid or prevent these habits so they can decrease pain and TMD flare-ups. Habits that can make temporomandibular disorders worse include:

  • Nibbling on objects such as pens, pencils, or toothpicks, which is often associated with feelings of anxiety.
  • Chewing ice, lollipops, or other hard candies
  • Excessively chewing gum
  • Grinding or clenching your teeth during the daytime
  • Nail biting or lip chewing
  • Poor posture (Strains the neck, shoulders, and jaw muscles.)
  • Taking large bites of food (This overworks jaw muscles.)
  • Sleeping on your stomach
  • Utilizing your teeth for tasks like opening packages, removing tags from clothing, holding objects, or opening bottle caps.

What Should I Do If I Think My Teenager Has TMD?

If you think your teenager has a TMJ Disorder or they have been diagnosed with one, do not ignore the effects of it. Help your teen avoid things that can increase pain or worsen the condition. Consult a dentist or doctor who can help you and your teenager find ways to treat adolescent TMD. Thankfully, there are various strategies available to treat temporomandibular joint disorders, reduce discomfort, and alleviate symptoms.

Help for Adolescents with TMD

Suppose your adolescent is suffering from any TMD symptoms. In that case, an evaluation with a doctor who treats temporomandibular joint disorders can help determine the best treatment options for eliminating pain and ensuring your child’s bite is positioned correctly. Many parents are concerned about adolescent TMD and might have lots of questions about the condition and how it can affect their teenager.

Call Sleep Better Marysville at (614) 777-7350 to schedule an appointment and TMD evaluation for your adolescent today and get your questions and concerns answered.


Find a Trusted Local TMJ Dentist for Relief

When persistent jaw pain disrupts daily life, finding a ‘TMJ dentist near me’ becomes a mission for many.

These specialized dentists possess the expertise to not only offer temporomandibular joint disorder diagnosis but also to provide lasting TMJ pain relief.

Navigating the realm of dentistry to locate one with a focus on temporomandibular joint disorders is crucial for effective treatment.

Keep reading to discover how to identify and select a qualified TMJ specialist that understands the intricacies of your condition and can guide you toward a pain-free life.

What is a Temporomandibular Joint Disorder?

TMJ disorder, also known as temporomandibular joint disorder, is a condition that affects the joint connecting the jawbone to the skull. This joint is crucial for various activities such as biting, chewing, talking, and yawning. When the joint becomes damaged, it can lead to discomfort and a range of disruptive symptoms.

The symptoms of TMJ disorder can vary from person to person. Some common signs include jaw pain, difficulty opening or closing the mouth, clicking or popping sounds when moving the jaw, earaches, headaches, neck and shoulder pain, and a feeling of stiffness in the jaw. These symptoms can significantly impact one’s life, affecting their ability to eat, communicate, and even sleep comfortably.

The Importance of Seeking TMJ Diagnosis and Treatment

While some individuals may be tempted to seek treatment from a general dentist or other healthcare providers, it is essential to consult a specialist for TMJ disorder.

A specialist has the knowledge and expertise to accurately diagnose and effectively treat TMJ disorders. They have the necessary skills to assess the complex structure of the temporomandibular joint and determine the most appropriate course of action.

Seeking jaw pain treatment from a specialist is crucial because they can offer TMJ disorder treatment based on the severity of the condition and individual needs. They can provide a comprehensive approach that may include medication to alleviate pain and inflammation, physical therapy exercises to improve jaw movement, and in some cases, more advanced procedures like arthrocentesis or surgery if non-invasive methods are insufficient. Additionally, a specialist can provide guidance on self-care and relaxation techniques, lifestyle modifications, and stress management strategies to prevent further aggravation of the disorder.

Individuals experiencing symptoms of TMJ disorder should not overlook the importance of seeking treatment from a specialist. The intricate nature of the temporomandibular joint requires the expertise of a specialist to accurately diagnose and provide effective treatment options. By reaching out to a specialist, individuals can regain comfort and functionality in their jaw joint, improving their overall enjoyment of life.

Understanding TMJ Disorders and Specialist Dentists

Searching for a source of TMJ pain relief often leads individuals to a specialist known as a TMJ dentist, whose expertise lies in diagnosing and treating disorders of the temporomandibular joint.

Such a professional is adept at unraveling the complexities of this joint, which connects the jawbone to the skull, and addressing the myriad of symptoms that can disrupt a person’s daily life.

From clicking sounds during conversation to ear pain and relentless discomfort when chewing, the common symptoms of TMJ disorders are as varied as the treatment options.

Recognizing these signs is crucial for timely intervention, creating a bridge to improved well-being and enhanced quality of life through targeted care.

Explaining the Role of a TMJ Dentist in Treatment

A TMJ dentist is essential in pinpointing the cause of a patient’s jaw discomfort and formulating a management plan that is tailored to their specific condition. They employ state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to ensure an accurate diagnosis for TMJ, which is the cornerstone of effective treatment. It is their precise understanding of the temporomandibular joint’s intricate biomechanics that allows them to recommend therapeutic modalities aimed at alleviating suffering.

Once the TMJ syndrome diagnosis is confirmed, a TMJ dentist crafts a treatment protocol that might involve a range of interventions from jaw exercises to advanced dental appliances. Guided by a deep commitment to providing TMJ pain relief, these dentists serve as the patient’s ally, frequently adjusting and refining treatment plans to address the evolving nature of the disorder with the primary goal of restoring function and comfort to the patient’s daily life.

Identifying Common Symptoms of TMJ Disorders

Identifying the signs and symptoms of TMJ disorders is the first step toward accessing TMJ relief. It’s no surprise that many turn to search engines looking for “TMJ treatment near me.”

Individuals with this condition often experience a persistent aching around their jaw, ears or even the face — a discomfort that escalates with movement or at rest, invariably leading to a quest for diagnosis and temporomandibular joint dysfunction treatments.

Another signal that can compel someone to explore a TMJ diagnosis is the subtle yet perplexing array of sounds emanating from the jaw, such as clicking, popping, or grinding. These acoustics, although not always accompanied by pain, can signify the TMJ’s distressed state and the need for a professional evaluation to forestall further deterioration and secure prompt pain relief.

How to Find a Qualified TMJ Dentist in Your Area

The journey to locate a TMJ dentist who can offer effective jaw pain relief typically begins with an internet search or asking friends and family to get a feel for the services provided while verifying credentials.

Savvy patients utilize online directories tailored to connect individuals with dental professionals skilled in managing temporomandibular joint disorders.

With careful scrutiny of qualifications and a thorough investigation of specialists’ expertise, patients can ensure they select a dentist equipped with the profound knowledge and experience required to alleviate their TMJ-related discomfort.

Utilizing Online Directories for Dental Professionals

Embarking on the search for a proficient TMJ dentist is markedly more efficient with the use of online directories. These platforms, specifically geared towards connecting patients with dental practitioners, feature expansive listings of TMJ specialists by location, allowing for a simplified and directed approach when seeking TMJ pain relief.

Extracting the maximum benefit from these directories demands attention to detail, as they offer insights into each dentist’s qualifications and patient reviews. Discerning patients can ascertain the specialists’ proficiency in managing temporomandibular joint disorders by examining the posted experiences and outcomes, thus making an informed decision in their pursuit of a TMJ diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Tips for Verifying the Credentials of TMJ Specialists

Unraveling the professional landscape to identify a TMJ specialist demands scrutiny, beginning with a review of their licensing. Potential patients should verify the dentist’s standing with regulatory dental boards, ensuring that the practitioner is authorized to offer specialized care for temporomandibular joint disorders.

Educational background and continued learning in the field serve as indicators of a TMJ dentist’s commitment to proficiency in treating these complex conditions. Evaluating whether the dentist has undergone specific training or holds relevant certifications in TMJ therapies substantiates their ability to provide expert care and pain relief.

Questions to Ask Before Choosing Your TMJ Dentist

Selecting the right TMJ dentist is a decision that impacts not only the trajectory of one’s dental health but also their overall peace of mind when dealing with temporomandibular joint disorders.

It is imperative to conduct due diligence about a potential dentist’s treatment philosophy and experience, confirming that their approach aligns with your expectations and needs for TMJ pain relief.

Inquiring About Treatment Philosophy and Experience

Experience in treating TMJ disorders speaks volumes about a dentist’s ability to navigate complex cases. Patients should feel encouraged to ask about the variety and success rates of treatments previously administered, gaining confidence in the dentist’s capability to provide sound TMJ pain relief.

  • Assess the dentist’s inclination towards non-invasive techniques versus surgical options.
  • Discuss previous case studies or testimonials that highlight the dentist’s expertise in TMJ therapy.

Understanding Insurance Coverage and Payment Plans

Navigating the financial aspects of TMJ treatment begins with understanding the intricate details of insurance coverage. Patients needing relief from TMJ pain must confirm whether potential TMJ specialists accept their insurance to avoid unexpected expenses and ensure a smooth treatment process.

Clarity about payment plans is also important for those without insurance or with plans that cover only a fraction of the costs. A conversation with a TMJ dentist opens doors to customized payment options, aligning the expense of necessary care with the patient’s budget constraints.

  • Examine insurance provider lists or direct inquiries to confirm the TMJ dentist’s acceptance of your insurance.
  • Request a detailed breakdown of out-of-pocket expenses for anticipated treatment.
  • Explore the availability of structured payment plans, offering flexibility in managing the financial impact of TMJ therapy.

Examining Patient Reviews for Insight on Local TMJ Care

Amid the complexities of temporomandibular joint disorders, individuals seeking TMJ pain relief often turn to the shared experiences of others for guidance.

Reviews specific to TMJ conditions offer valuable insights into the effectiveness of treatments, while a thoughtful evaluation of both laudatory and critical feedback equips potential patients with a balanced perspective on the care they may receive.

Searching for Reviews Specific to Your Condition

Navigating through the myriad of patient testimonials requires a keen eye for those relevant to TMJ disorders. Individuals searching for a proficient “TMJ dentist near me” can gain deeper understanding and confidence by focusing on reviews that recount personal experiences with TMJ symptoms, diagnosis, and the effectiveness of various treatments.

While sifting through patient reviews, it’s crucial to identify narratives that resonate with one’s condition, as these accounts offer a glimpse into the day-to-day realities of living with a TMJ disorder and the journey towards finding relief. These first-hand stories can highlight the successes or challenges faced under a TMJ dentist’s care, helping others to gauge the potential for their own TMJ pain relief.

Evaluating Both Positive and Negative Feedback Thoughtfully

Exploring the testimonials of former patients provides invaluable feedback and should not be discounted when choosing a TMJ specialist. Positive reviews can reflect on the dentist’s ability to deliver effective TMJ pain relief, while negative comments offer a different angle, potentially revealing areas where the practice may need improvement or where patient expectations were not fully met.

Feedback Type Significance Impact on Decision Making
Positive Reviews Reflection of successful treatments Increases confidence in dentist’s ability
Negative Comments Highlights potential issues Guides more nuanced dentist selection


Assessing the spectrum of feedback also involves considering the context and specific details provided in each account. It is the nuanced, candid reflections that often paint a more accurate picture of the patient experience, thus providing a more reliable basis for selecting a TMJ dentist who can fulfill individual treatment and care expectations.

Is There a Difference Between a Routine Dentist or TMJ Specialist?

Distinguishing between a general dentist and a TMJ specialist is pivotal: the latter has specific training and experience in temporomandibular joint disorders. Whereas a routine dentist provides broad dental care, a TMJ specialist dedicates their practice to diagnosing and treating the complexities associated with TMJ disorders.

The expertise of a TMJ specialist is grounded in an extensive understanding of the jaw’s anatomy and its functions. Their specialized focus equips them with a unique set of skills to offer more sophisticated treatment options for those seeking TMJ pain relief.

Choosing a TMJ specialist over a routine dentist could mean the difference between general advice and highly targeted therapeutic strategies:

  1. A broader range of treatment modalities specific to TMJ disorders.
  2. Advanced diagnostic procedures for a more precise TMJ diagnosis.
  3. Customized patient care plans designed to alleviate TMJ symptoms effectively.

Individuals experiencing jaw discomfort or other symptoms indicating a TMJ disorder should prioritize finding a “TMJ dentist near me.” This decision ensures access to a professional uniquely qualified to bring TMJ pain relief and guide them towards a lasting resolution.

The TMJ Treatment Specialists at Sleep Better Marysville Can Help

Sleep Better Marysville offers solutions and treatment options for those suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) pain. With a team of experienced specialists, our dental office provides exceptional care and expertise to help diagnose and treat TMD, ensuring a better quality of life for patients.

The dedicated team at Sleep Better Marysville is highly trained in the field of dentistry and has years of experience in managing TMD pain. They understand the complex nature of this condition and its impact on daily life, causing discomfort and hindrances in everyday activities such as eating, speaking, and even sleeping. With their extensive knowledge and expertise, the specialists at Sleep Better Marysville can accurately diagnose TMD and provide personalized treatment plans to address the specific needs of each individual.

One of the key aspects of the services offered by Sleep Better Marysville is their commitment to using the latest advancements in technology and techniques. By incorporating cutting-edge diagnostic tools and innovative treatment methods, they ensure that patients receive the most effective and efficient care possible. From non-invasive therapies to more advanced procedures, the specialists tailor the treatment approach to each patient’s unique situation, aiming to alleviate pain and improve jaw function.

Compassionate Treatment for Chronic Pain from TMJ

Beyond their technical expertise, the team at Sleep Better Marysville is known for their compassionate approach and dedication to patient well-being. They understand the impact of TMD on an individual’s life and work closely with patients to provide not only physical relief but also emotional support throughout the treatment process. By focusing on patient education and involving them in their own care, Sleep Better Marysville empowers individuals to actively participate in their journey towards improved oral health and overall well-being.

Sleep Better Marysville is a reliable and comprehensive resource for anyone struggling with TMD pain. Their experienced specialists, coupled with their commitment to state-of-the-art technology and personalized care, ensure that patients receive the highest level of attention and treatment. By utilizing the services offered by Sleep Better Marysville, individuals can regain their quality of life and enjoy a pain-free existence.

Call (614) 777-7350 today to set up a consultation with the TMJ experts at Sleep Better Marysville or book one online.

How to Avoid Holiday TMJ Triggers

Is TMJ Seasonal?

The temporomandibular joint is affected by temperature changes just like any other joint, making it seem like TMJ disorders are seasonal. In seasons with warmer temperatures, joints tend to loosen, which decreases discomfort and other joint issues. When the temperatures grow colder, the decrease in temperature adds extra stress to your jaw muscles and can cause an increase in your TMJ pain and symptoms.

TMJ Symptoms Often Increase During the Holiday Season

TMJ pain and other symptoms often worsen or increase during the holiday season because many common TMJ disorder triggers occur more frequently during the holiday season.

Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Symptoms of TMJ disorders can vary greatly. People with TMJ might experience jaw, face, shoulder, or neck pain. The pain from TMD can be mild or severe, and some people will experience chronic pain.

Some common symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction include:

  • Pain or tenderness in the jaw joint and/or chewing muscles (the most common symptom)
  • Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing
  • Aching pain in and around your ear
  • Stiffness in your jaw
  • Swelling of the side of the face
  • Toothaches
  • Pain that spreads to the face and/or neck
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), hearing loss, or dizziness
  • Headaches and/or migraines
  • Blurred vision
  • Limited movement or locking of the temporomandibular joint, making it difficult to open or close your mouth
  • Painful clicking, grating, or popping in your jaw joint when you open or close your mouth
  • Changes in how your upper and lower teeth align or fit together

Common TMJ Triggers

  • Stress: Stress can cause you to clench your teeth in the daytime or grind your teeth at night.
  • Dehydration: Being dehydrated affects the amount of fluid in your body and the hydration your joints require to function correctly.
  • Poor posture: Poor posture and leaning forward too much can impact the alignment of your joints.
  • Eating: Foods that require excessive chewing can increase pain and tenderness in your jaw joint and chewing muscles.
  • Hormonal changes: Fluctuations in hormone levels affect joint inflammation; this TMJ trigger especially causes problems for women.

Navigating the Holidays and Holiday Travel with TMJ Pain

The holiday season and traveling during the holidays can be hectic and stressful. The additional stress and anxiety experienced during the holiday season can lead to a temporomandibular joint disorder flare-up, partially because you might increase tension in your jaw and facial muscles.

Tips to Help Reduce Stress and Avoid TMJ Pain While Traveling During the Holidays

  • Budget extra time for yourself when traveling. If you give yourself extra time for traveling to the airport or getting to your next stop when driving, you can decrease any stress that might happen when something unexpected occurs that might delay you.
  • Keep all your TMJ disorder gear close by no matter how you travel. If you are flying, keeping anything you use for TMJ flare-ups and your usual TMJ treatment in your carry-on is best. This can include a neck pillow, pain medication, a nightguard, or other oral appliance. If symptoms arise, having your TMD gear nearby means you can quickly alleviate your pain and resolve any other symptoms.

Tips to Help Prevent TMJ Pain During the Holiday Season

  • Ensure you have plenty of the items you use for TMJ flare-ups. It’s not always easy to get to a store during the holidays, and having anything you need on hand means you can quickly deal with any symptoms. These items might include painkillers, essential oils, heating pads, and comfy pillows.
  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep. When your body doesn’t get enough rest and sleep, it needs to function correctly, and temporomandibular joint disorder symptoms can arise or worsen.
  • No matter how you will spend your holiday season, whether taking a road trip, flying, hosting a holiday, or having a quieter, more minor holiday at home with just a few people, making a plan can help you prevent any potential issues that could increase stress and anxiety and create or exacerbate TMJ symptoms.
    • Make a holiday menu and shopping list.
    • Plan out your shopping trips for holiday gifts, meals, or decorations. a
    • If you’ll be traveling, take the time to pack ahead of time.
    • Planning food options or packing snacks in advance can help you avoid foods that can cause a TMJ flare-up.
  • Do your best to follow a TMJ-friendly diet during the holidays and avoid hard, crunchy, and chewy foods that can worsen TMJ symptoms.

TMJ-Friendly Holiday Foods

  • warm, creamy soups (especially when the weather is colder)
  • fruit pies like apple pie, berry pies, and pumpkin pies
  • puddings and custards
  • mashed potatoes
  • fish
  • chicken (darker meat is more tender)
  • rice
  • quinoa
  • turkey (darker meat is more tender)
  • soft rolls, breads, and biscuits
  • pasta
  • sautéed, steamed, boiled, roasted, or baked vegetables
  • macaroni and cheese
  • soft fruits without skin or seeds
  • deviled eggs
  • smoked salmon
  • soft cheeses
  • ice cream

Sleep Better Marysville Can Help with TMJ Pain

The skilled TMJ specialists at Sleep Better Marysville can help you with TMJ pain and discomfort. We work with you to find the best treatment plan with options like home remedies, self-managed care, and nonsurgical treatments like dental oral appliances.

To learn more about how we can help with TMJ pain and treatment, call us at (614) 777-7350 or fill out our online TMJ Consult Form.


What are the 4 stages of TMJ?

TMJ is considered to be a progressive condition, and the four stages of TMJ are frequently used by doctors to provide a treatment guide for patients based on the severity of their temporomandibular joint damage.

What is TMJ?

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder is a disorder of the jaw, temporomandibular joints, muscles, and nerves associated with chronic facial pain. TMJ can cause pain in the jaw joints and the ligaments and muscles that control the movement of your jaw. TMJ disorders, which are also known as temporomandibular dysfunctions (TMD), can impact your life in a significant way by affecting your ability to chew, speak easily, or yawn.

Stage One

Stage one of TMJ is disc displacement with reduction, sometimes identified as DDwR, and occurs when the disc is displaced in the closed-mouth position and reduces to normal relationship in the open-mouth position.

In stage one, mouth opening is limited and is often accompanied by the jaw moving to the side until a pop or click (reduction) happens and the mouth can be opened fully. In this stage, it’s not likely there will be any restriction in range of motion from the disc relocating when the mouth is opened.

Stage Two

Stage two of TMJ is disc displacement with reduction with intermittent locking. During this stage, the disc will be displaced in the closed-mouth position and will intermittently lock when in the open-mouth position when the disc doesn’t reduce.

Patients who are in stage two may experience episodes of limited mouth opening that can last for various lengths of time. Some people have described the feeling of hitting an obstruction when they attempt to open their mouth, and they may be able to move their jaw past the obstruction, or the obstruction may spontaneously disappear.

Stage Three

Stage three of TMJ is disc displacement without reduction, often referred to as DDwoR. Stage three occurs when clicking noises disappear but limited mouth opening remains. In this stage, the disc is displaced in closed-mouth position, and the disc does not reduce to normal in the open-mouth position. This is also referred to as closed lock.

During stage three, the jaw has a limited range of movement, and limited opening becomes chronic.

Stage Four

Stage four of TMJ, like stage three, is disc displacement without reduction (DDwoR). Similar to stage three, the disc is displaced in the closed-mouth position and does not reduce to normal in the open-mouthed position; however, stage four is also accompanied by perforation of the posterior attachment tissues or the disc.

What Causes TMJ to Worsen?

Dealing with the pain and other symptoms of TMJ can be challenging, but there are things you can control that worsen your TMJ and its symptoms. Knowing what these habits are can help you avoid them.

Some habits you can control that can worsen your TMJ include:

  • Sleeping on your stomach
  • Grinding or clenching your teeth during the daytime
  • Chewing on pens, pencils, toothpicks, or other items (These habits are often related to anxiety.)
  • Excessively chewing gum
  • Taking large bites of food (This can overwork your jaw muscles.)
  • Chewing ice, lollipops, or other hard candies
  • Using your teeth as tools (e.g., opening packages, tearing tags off clothes, holding items, opening bottle caps)
  • Stress and anxiety (When feeling stressed or anxious, you might increase tension in your jaw and facial muscles.)

Treating TMJ and TMD

Treatment options for TMJ and TMD depend on the stage of your temporomandibular joint disorder, the underlying cause of your TMJ, and the severity of your pain. When determining an appropriate treatment plan, noninvasive treatment options should be tried first.

Often, TMJ pain and discomfort is temporary and can be managed with self-care, home remedies, and/or other non-invasive and nonsurgical treatments.

Self-managed care options are things you can do for yourself. This includes identifying activities that cause TMD flare-ups and can worsen your TMJ. Understanding what causes flare-ups allows you to set goals to manage your condition and prevent TMJ issues. Learning all you can about your type of temporomandibular joint disorder can help.

Most home remedies deal with managing pain and include using over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen. Using icepacks can also help with pain and swelling. While TMJ home remedies may help reduce the pain, it’s important to remember that they are only temporary solutions and won’t always resolve the problems for long periods of time. If the pain and discomfort is persistent, then it’s best to contact an experienced healthcare professional who understands the complications of treating TMJ disorders.

Additional nonsurgical treatment options for TMJ disorders that do not involve medications include physical therapy and TMJ appliance therapy.

What is TMJ Appliance Therapy?

TMJ appliance therapy is a non-invasive treatment option that doesn’t involve the use of any medications. Similar to mouthguards, TMJ appliances are worn in the mouth and fit over your upper or lower set of teeth; however, TMJ appliances are designed specifically to treat conditions related to the jaw joint.

TMD appliances called stabilization splints, also known as bite guards or bite plates, are prescribed, designed, fitted, and adjusted by TMJ specialists. These oral appliances realign the jaw, prevent contact between the teeth, and reduce jaw pressure and pain and are worn while you sleep and occasionally during the day.

TMJ appliance therapy will typically treat most TMD symptoms in a short period of time and can provide long-term stability for your temporomandibular joint. Using oral appliances can help avoid future serious complications. If TMD is left untreated or undertreated, it worsens as time passes and causes further joint damage and worsening symptoms as the condition progresses through the stages of TMJ.

If you think you might have a TMJ disorder, then reach out to the professionals at Sleep Better Marysville by calling 614-777-7350 or contact us online to book an appointment.

Preventing TMJ/TMD

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can cause pain in the jaw joints and the muscles and ligaments controlling jaw movement. TMJ disorders, sometimes referred to as temporomandibular dysfunctions (TMD), can have a significant impact on your life by affecting your ability to speak easily, chew, or yawn. The TMD experts at Sleep Better Marysville are dedicated to improving and preventing TMJ/TMD symptoms.

Types of TMD (temporomandibular dysfunctions)

  • Disorders of the chewing muscles, the most common form of TMD, can cause myofascial pain. Myofascial pain is pain or discomfort in the fascia (connective tissue covering the muscles) and muscles controlling jaw, neck, and shoulder function.
  • Disorders of the jaw joints, including disc disorders and degenerative joint diseases, such as osteoarthritis.
  • Headaches resulting from TMD and/or the associated pain.

Causes of TMJ Disorders

The exact cause of a person’s TMJ disorder is hard to pinpoint, and the pain is usually from a combination of factors, which can be jaw injury, arthritis, or genetics.

TMJ causes may include:

  • Bruxism (grinding or clenching the teeth)
  • Malocclusion (improper alignment of your top and bottom teeth)
  • Arthritis in the jaw joint
  • Jaw injuries, such as a dislocated or broken jaw
  • Stress

Symptoms of TMJ Disorders

TMJ disorder symptoms vary widely. People may experience jaw pain, facial pain, and/or shoulder or neck pain. The pain a person feels from TMD can range from mild to severe with some people experiencing chronic pain. Common signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction include:

  • Pain in the jaw joint and/or chewing muscles (the most common symptom)
  • Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing
  • Pain in one or both temporomandibular joints
  • Aching pain in and around your ear
  • Pain or tenderness of the jaw
  • Stiffness in your jaw
  • Aching facial pain
  • Swelling of the side of the face
  • Toothaches
  • Pain that spreads to the face and/or neck
  • Shoulder or neck pain
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), hearing loss, or dizziness
  • Headaches and/or migraines
  • Blurred vision
  • Limited movement or locking of the temporomandibular joint, making it difficult to open or close your mouth
  • Painful clicking, grating, or popping in your jaw joint when you open or close your mouth
  • Changes in how your upper and lower teeth align or fit together

TMJ disorders can cause a clicking sound, a grating sensation, or popping in your jaw joint when opening and closing your mouth or chewing that causes pain and/or limits jaw movement.

Sounds without pain in the temporomandibular joints are normal, happen often, and do not need treatment.

Managing and Preventing TMJ/TMD Flare-ups

Any number of things can create issues with your TMJ disorder, but you can take steps to prevent flare-ups and minimize pain and discomfort if you do have a TMD flare-up.

The first preventive measure you can take is recognizing any activities that might cause a flare-up or increase your pain or discomfort. Once you’ve identified these activities, you can work on avoiding them or taking steps to prevent them from occurring. For example, if you have sleep bruxism (grinding or clenching your teeth at night while sleeping), you can wear a mouth guard at night. If you experience pain and discomfort after eating hard, difficult-to-chew foods like taffy, gummy candies, or jerky, avoid eating these foods as much as possible.

Things That Make TMJ Disorders Worse

While you might not be able to control the factors that cause TMJ disorders, you can control things that can make your TMD, and its symptoms, worse. Being aware of these habits can help when it comes to avoiding or preventing TMJ/TMD symptoms so you can decrease pain and TMJ disorder flare-ups.

Habits that can make temporomandibular disorders worse include:

  • Chewing on pens, pencils, toothpicks, or other items (These habits are often related to anxiety.)
  • Chewing ice, lollipops, or other hard candies
  • Excessively chewing gum
  • Grinding or clenching your teeth during the daytime
  • Taking large bites of food (This overworks jaw muscles.)
  • Sleeping on your stomach
  • Using your teeth as tools (e.g., opening packages, tearing tags off clothes, holding items, opening bottle caps)

Treatment Options for Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders

For many people, the pain and discomfort from TMJ disorders is temporary and can be relieved with home remedies, self-managed care, and/or other nonsurgical treatments.

Most home remedies deal with managing pain. Typical home remedies include using ice packs and taking over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or naproxen. While home remedies may help reduce the pain, they are temporary solutions and won’t always resolve the problems for long periods of time.

Sedatives, muscle relaxers, and pain relievers can be used to help treat TMJ disorders. Sedatives can help you sleep more peacefully at night. Muscle relaxers will help relax the muscles in the area. Muscle relaxers are often paired with pain relievers that help with the immediate pain.

Self-managed care options are all the activities you can do yourself. These activities can include learning everything you can about your type of temporomandibular joint disorder, identifying activities that cause TMD flare-ups, setting specific goals for managing your condition, and learning meditation and relaxation techniques to reduce and/or eliminate stress that might be contributing to TMJ pain or lead to habits that cause TMJ pain (e.g., clenching or grinding teeth, chewing on non-food items).

Other Options for Preventing TMJ/TMD Pain

Additional nonsurgical treatment options for TMJ disorders that do not involve medications include using a bite guard while you sleep or occasionally during the day, wearing a dental splint or mouth guard to realign the jaw, or physical therapy options. Physical therapy for temporomandibular dysfunctions typically includes stretches and exercises to strengthen the jaw along with using ice and moist heat.

If you have a severe case, your dentist or doctor may suggest other more aggressive treatment options. Corticosteroid injections directly into the joint can be helpful. Arthrocentesis, a medical procedure during which the jaw joint is washed out with sterile fluid to rinse away any debris, may also be helpful. If these and other nonsurgical treatments are not effective, surgery may be suggested as a last resort. Surgical options are generally only used when there is something structurally wrong with the joint of a patient with a TMJ disorder.

What to Do If You Think You Have a TMJ Disorder

If you think you have a TMJ Disorder or have been diagnosed with one, do not ignore the effects of it. Take steps to avoid things that can increase pain or worsen the condition. Consult a dentist or doctor who can help you find ways to treat the condition. Fortunately, there are multiple things a person can do to manage temporomandibular joint disorders, decrease pain, and eliminate symptoms.

Learn how the TMD experts at Sleep Better Marysville can help you manage and treat your TMJ/TMD while preventing TMJ/TMD pain and symptoms. Schedule your consultation today online or call 614-777-7350.

Self-Help for TMJ Pain

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or TMD, is a condition that causes a lot of pain and inconvenience for people suffering from it. Apart from orofacial pain, jaw pain, and difficult jaw movements, Temporomandibular Dysfunction can come with earache, migraines, dizziness, and more.

Temporomandibular Joint Pain, or TMJ pain, can be both acute and chronic, but in any case, it can seriously affect the quality of life. If you experience the symptoms of TMD, be sure to make an appointment with your dentist. A neuromuscular dentist can diagnose Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, help you to find adequate treatment and advise you further on remedies.

However, in addition to traditional treatment options, evidence shows that TMD symptoms can be alleviated or eliminated by exercise and a few lifestyle changes.

What is a Temporomandibular Joint Disorder?

The Temporomandibular Joint, or TMJ, is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull. Any condition causing pain or discomfort in these joints or the muscles that nest them is included in the term “Temporomandibular Joint Disorder.”

TMD can have a lot of different origins: the grinding of the teeth while awake or asleep, trauma of the jaw, or even stress. Temporomandibular Dysfunction can also come from Rheumatoid Arthritis or calcium and magnesium deficiency. Finding the cause of your Temporomandibular Disorder can be part of your treatment.

The Treatment of the Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

If you suffer from Temporomandibular Disorder, your dentist will recommend treatment options, perhaps even several of them simultaneously. They may prescribe pain relievers and anti-inflammatories to help ease the pain caused by TMJ disorders. For bruxism, they can prescribe tricyclic antidepressants and muscle relaxants.

Physical therapy, including ultrasound treatment or jaw muscle exercises, can ease facial pain and muscle stiffness. An oral appliance, like an oral splint or a mouth guard, prevents teeth grinding and can alleviate jaw pain. Counseling can help you identify and understand the stress factors aggravating your TMD. And, if nothing else helps, there is always surgery as a last resort.

You should also know that there is no underlying evidence that bad bites could develop TMD. Therefore, healthcare providers strictly advise against treatments that permanently change jaw joints, teeth, or bite unless necessary.

Home Remedies and Treatment Options for TMJ Disorders and TMJ Pain

In some cases, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder is only temporary and goes away without significant medical interference. If you experience facial pain or jaw pain, you can try to apply hot or cold packs on the painful area.

You can also try some over-the-counter medications. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) containing ibuprofen, such as Advil or Motrin, can effectively reduce pain.

Relaxation Techniques for Temporomandibular Disorders

While stressed, you often clench your teeth, tense your facial and shoulder muscles or chew on something hard, like a pen or a pencil – some even bite their fingernails. All these can lead to and aggravate temporomandibular disorders. Thankfully, learning to manage stress effectively can help eliminate these bad habits. Not only your jaw joints will be grateful, but better stress management also improves your overall well-being. Yoga and meditation can both be very effective against stress, as well as temporomandibular joint disorder.

You can also try the following exercise to help ease symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder:

  • First, sit in a comfortable chair with a good, neutral posture.
  • Now lower your head until your chin is resting comfortably on your chest.
  • Interlock your fingers and place your hand gently on the back of your head. Don’t push.
  • Now lift your head against the gentle resistance of your hands. Be careful not to push or force your head.

Jaw Exercises for Treating TMJ Pain

Strengthening the muscles around the temporomandibular joint can also effectively relieve pain caused by Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. Here are some exercises to help:

  • Sit in a comfortable chair with a good, neutral posture.
  • Close your mouth loosely, with your upper and lower teeth touching. Be careful not to clench your jaw!
  • Touch your upper teeth with the tip of your tongue.
  • Run the tip of your tongue backward on the roof of your mouth to the soft palate, as far as you comfortably can. Keep your teeth together, but do not clench!
  • Open your mouth slowly until you feel your tongue leaving your palate.
  • Maintain this position for five seconds, then relax.

Do this activity for five minutes two times per day.

The following exercise both relaxes and strengthens your jaw muscles:

  • Sit in a comfortable chair with a good, neutral posture.
  • Trace your lower jaw joint with your index finger on the right side of your face, and with a downward motion give the muscles a gentle massage.
  • Repeat on the left side.
  • Open your mouth comfortably and slide the tip of your tongue on your palette from your front teeth to the soft palette. Hold for five seconds.
  • Stick your tongue out as far as you can and stretch for five seconds.

You can repeat this exercise 5-10 times per day.

Another effective exercise is opening and closing your mouth with resistance.

  • Place your thumbs under your chin and open your jaw applying gentle pressure with the thumbs.
  • Place your index fingers on your chin, below your lower lip, and close your mouth applying gentle pressure to the area.

These two motions can be done separately or together in one fluid motion.

When you start exercising, you may experience some pain or soreness that will go away after one or two weeks. If during the exercise some TMD symptoms occur, such as popping or clicking and pain, stop the exercise and start again more carefully.

You can also speak with a TMJ specialist to learn more about these and other exercises.

Lifestyle Changes to Treat Your TMJ Disorder

It is important to find out what aggravates your TMD. For example, it can be foods you eat often, activities you enjoy, or your posture when you sit or stand – and a lot of other things.

Until you find the reason, you can significantly reduce the pain and inconvenience caused by Temporomandibular Dysfunction by applying these few lifestyle changes:

  • Avoid chewing gum and try to eat softer food. Try to eat also in smaller mouthfuls, so you don’t have to open your mouth as wide while eating.
  • Always keep your lips together and your teeth apart.
  • Hold your phone in your hand, not between your ear and shoulder.
  • Follow a diet rich in calcium and magnesium or take food supplements.
  • Treat stress consciously and reduce bad habits like jaw clenching or teeth grinding.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder symptoms often ease with these technics, but in any case, make an appointment with a dentist who specializes in TMJ disorders, who can diagnose you and advise additional remedies.

Take the first step towards managing your TMJ pain. Schedule your consultation with the TMJ experts at Sleep Better Marysville online or call 614-777-7350.

Chronic Headaches Can Be Caused by TMJ Dysfunction

The second-most common cause of chronic headaches is temporomandibular disorder (TMD), which is sometimes called TMJ dysfunction. These TMD headaches can greatly diminish quality of life. Thankfully, non-invasive treatment options can reduce or eliminate your chronic TMD headache.

What is a Temporomandibular Disorder?

A temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a disorder of the temporomandibular joints, jaw, muscles, and nerves associated with chronic facial pain. TMD causes pain in the jaw joints and the muscles and ligaments controlling your jaw’s movement. Temporomandibular dysfunctions or disorders (TMD), can have a significant impact on your life by affecting your ability to chew, yawn, or speak easily.

Why Do Temporomandibular Disorders Cause Headaches?

Temporomandibular disorders cause headaches because the proximity of the jaw to the head means pain easily travels upward. The many nerves located near the temporomandibular joint contribute to the aches becoming more intense. The two primary reasons for a TMD headache are jaw tension and a misaligned bite.

Jaw tension is the most common cause of a temporomandibular disorder headache. Bruxism, the act of clenching your teeth, tires the muscles and joints surrounding the teeth, which causes joint pain and can wear down the teeth. Pain from the jaw travels up to the temples and can range from mild to severe. Grinding your teeth can also cause cramping of the jaw which can result in pulsating headaches that feel like migraines.

A misaligned bite puts strain on your jaw and is another common reason for a TMD headache. Trying to keep the jaw in proper positioning stresses and tires the tissues, including the facial muscles, surrounding the temporomandibular joint, and when this occurs, it causes a headache.

What are the Symptoms of a TMD Headache?

A TMD headache is pain in the head, face, and cheek caused by a temporomandibular joint disorder. The TMJ disorder causes pain in the temporomandibular joint, and that pain spreads upward to other parts of your head.

Frequent headaches can be symptomatic of TMJ issues. Common symptoms of TMD headaches may also include:

  • achiness in your neck and/or shoulders
  • atypical pain in your cheek muscles
  • challenges with swallowing
  • clicking or popping sounds when moving your jaw
  • difficulty or pain when chewing food (more severe head pain may occur when chewing)
  • inability to open your mouth fully
  • migraine headaches
  • pain over your eyes, in the ear area, or in the temples
  • sore TMJ (jaw) hinges
  • sensitive teeth, but no obvious dental problems
  • swollen face
  • tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

How is Temporomandibular Dysfunction Diagnosed?

Dentists, physiotherapists, or doctors can diagnose temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) in a dental checkup or physical examination. They will assess your jaw’s range of motion when you open and close your mouth, feel the areas surrounding your temporomandibular (jaw) joints while you open and close your mouth, and press on your jaw and certain areas of your face to find areas of tenderness, pain, or discomfort.

They might also use imaging tests for a closer look at your temporomandibular joints and the structures surrounding them. The imaging tests might include a panoramic X-ray to assess your jaw and teeth, a CT (computed tomography) scan to get a more detailed view, and an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) to assess the soft tissues that surround your temporomandibular joints.

Treating Temporomandibular Joint Disorders and TMD Headaches

The underlying cause of your temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) and the severity of your pain are two factors that are taken into consideration when determining the TMJ treatment that is right for you. Noninvasive options should be tried first. Treatment options can include home remedies, medications, self-managed care, and/or other nonsurgical treatments.

Home Remedies and Medications

Home remedies include eating soft foods, applying heat or cold packs to the affected area, and taking over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or naproxen. Home remedies may help reduce the pain, but they are temporary solutions that won’t always resolve the problems long-term.

Sedatives and muscle relaxers can also help treat TMJ disorders. Sedatives can help you sleep more peacefully at night. Muscle relaxers relax the muscles in the area and are often paired with pain relievers that help with immediate pain.

Self-managed Care

Self-managed care treatment options include any activities you can do yourself. These activities might be learning all that you can about your type of temporomandibular joint disorder, identifying any activities that can contribute to TMD flare-ups, setting specific goals for managing your TMD, and learning relaxation techniques or meditation to reduce and/or eliminate any stress that could contribute to TMJ pain or lead to habits that cause TMJ pain (e.g., chewing on non-food items, clenching teeth, grinding teeth).

Other Nonsurgical Treatments for your TMD Headache and TMJ Pain

Additional nonsurgical treatment options like oral appliances and physical therapy do not involve medications. Oral appliances include bite guards that can be worn while you sleep or occasionally during the day, and wearing a dental splint or mouth guard to realign the jaw. Physical therapy for Aggressive Treatment Options for Severe TMD

For severe TMD, your dentist or doctor may suggest other more aggressive treatment options. Corticosteroid injections directly into the joint are often helpful. Arthrocentesis, a medical procedure during which the jaw joint is washed out with sterile fluid to rinse away any debris, may also provide relief. If these and other nonsurgical treatments are not effective, a surgical option may be suggested as a last resort. Surgical options are generally only used when there is something structurally wrong with the jaw joint of a patient who has a temporomandibular disorder.

To learn more about using oral appliances to treat TMJ and reduce or eliminate your TMD headaches, call Sleep Better Marysville at 614-777-7350 or contact us online to speak with a TMJ specialist.

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